Learn micro:bit basics with Tynker.
6 Modules:
- Ahoy micro:bit!
- Front of the Board
- Back of the Board
- Block Review
- Land Ho!
- Quiz

Light the Way
Control the micro:bit's LED display!
7 Modules:
- Shine like Treasure!
- Using Single LEDs
- Single LED Puzzle
- Making Images
- Images Puzzle
- Faces!
- Quiz

Interact with the stage wirelessly.
7 Modules:
- Introduction
- Stage Interaction
- Sending Messages
- Receiving Messages
- Chapter Puzzle
- Quiz

High Rollers
Create a virtual dice roller using variables and random numbers.
7 Modules:
- Variables
- Variable Basics
- Swap Variables Puzzle
- Random Numbers
- DIY Intro
- Dice Roller
- Quiz

Create comparable expressions with newly learned math operators.
8 Modules:
- Chapter Intro
- Mod Operator
- Numeric Input on micro:bit
- Expressions
- Expressions Puzzle
- DIY Intro
- Number Guessing Game!
- Quiz

Two Sides of a Coin
Discovering booleans.
7 Modules:
- Chapter Intro
- Booleans and Conditionals
- Boolean Puzzle
- User Input
- User Input Puzzle
- Coin Toss
- Quiz

Simplify variables with arrays and learn simple animation!
7 Modules:
- Chapter Intro
- Arrays
- Arrays Puzzle
- Simple Loops
- Simple Loops Puzzle
- Animation
- Quiz

Game Night
Learn how simple games are created with sprites and in game events.
6 Modules:
- Chapter Intro
- micro:game Engine
- Radio
- Chapter Puzzle
- Dot Frenzy
- Quiz

Sensory Overload
Build a game of Tag using the micro:bit motion sensor.
6 Modules:
- Chapter Intro
- Reading Sensors
- Sensor Gestures
- Sensor Puzzle
- Chip Says
- Quiz

Learn how to use the pins on the micro:bit.
7 Modules:
- Introduction
- Digital Pins
- Analog Pins
- Power and Ground
- Chapter Puzzle
- Quiz

Learn how to control motors and speakers with micro:bit.
6 Modules:
- Introduction
- Speakers
- Motors
- Chapter Puzzle
- Quiz

Learn about functions and how to add them to your projects.
6 Modules:
- Introduction
- Creating Functions
- Passing Data
- Chapter Puzzle
- Quiz

Soarin' Dragon
Learn how to use the micro:bit as a gamepad with Tynker.
5 Modules:
- Project Introduction
- micro:bit Control
- Gameplay
- Wall Generation
- Soarin Dragon

Glow Shoes
Create a gadget for your shoes to make them light up and count steps.
4 Modules:
- Project Introduction
- Detecting Footsteps
- Connecting LEDs
- Flashing Lights

Graph sensor output from the micro:bit.
4 Modules:
- Project Introduction
- Getting Started
- Moving the Cursor
- Keeping Time

Construct a playable piano on the micro:bit.
4 Modules:
- Project Introduction
- Piano Building
- Setting the Stage
- Playing Music