When you die, the weather sets to thunder. When bounced, the weather changes to clear. When a stone block is placed, the nearest player gets, an iron ingot.When iron ore is placed, the nearest player gets a gold nugget. When gold ore is placed, the nearest player gets redstone. When redstone ore is broken, the nearest person gets a diamond. When diamond ore is broken, the nearest player gets 20 diamonds. When emerald ore is broken, the nearest player gets 50 emeralds. When lit redstone ore is broken, the nearest player gets 5 cooked chicken. When up arrow is pressed, the nearest player gets an apple. When down arrow is pressed, the nearest player gets respiration. When a player is teleported, the time is set to 9000. When a message in chat is received, all players get a golden apple. Use this command in your Minecraft world.
simple loops,