Updates soon! Remix if you want to! Thanks to everyone that remixed and favorited! if your hearing this if you have a scratch account message me if you don't please make a account so I can talk or know if you remixed or favorited ! heres my profile https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Rich_Dogy/ Thanks for everyone loving and watching have a good day! And feel free to go to my tynker profile link here https://www.tynker.com/dashboard/student/#/community/profiles/59dfa760949b56dd198b4592 or my scratch profile if you want to make a account and follow me! my profile link https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Rich_Dogy/ this is one if my scratch studios https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5197716/
Art, Game
basic math, simple variables, simple conditionals, delays, functions, variables, simple loops, miscellaneous, simple sound playing, advanced loops, expert math, advanced math, string handling, conditional loops,