Coding Elective Prepare for AP CSA

Engineer a variety of real-world solutions with Java, and get ready to take on AP Computer Science A! Explore the fundamentals of computer science and object-oriented programming with these hands-on and fun Java lessons.

Tynker gets kids coding with confidence. Access this and 5,000 more fun activities today!

Unit 1: Java Basics

Get familiar with the course and explore basic Java syntax.

7 Lessons:

1. Warm Up!
2. Introduction
3. Visualizing Algorithms

4. Printing to the Console
5. Strings and Input
6. Algorithms Review

7. Algorithms Quiz

Unit 2: Abstraction and Methods

Explore methods, a way to keep code organized and repeatable.

6 Lessons:

8. Abstraction
9. More on Methods

10. Composition
11. ASCII Art Methods

12. Methods Review
13. Methods Quiz

Unit 3: Variables and Data Types

Dive deeper into the idea of variables, exploring how Java encodes information as well as the binary number system. Students will learn key concepts like variable initialization, declaration, data types, bits, bytes, and more.

7 Lessons:

14. Encoding Information
15. Binary Numbers
16. Variables

17. How to Use Variables
18. Types
19. Variables Review

20. Variables Quiz

Unit 4: Expressions and Operators

Perform many calculations at once using expressions and operators. In this lesson, students learn how to create their own useful expressions.

5 Lessons:

21. What’s an Expression?
22. Variable Initialization in Java

23. Working with Numbers
24. Expressions, Operators, and Statements Review

25. Expressions, Operators, and Statements Quiz

Unit 5: Objects

Learn about object-oriented programming, including the relationship between a class and an object, while creating their own custom types. In this way, students learn how object-oriented programming can make for more general solutions to problems.

9 Lessons:

26. Variables and Memory
27. Properties and Behaviors
28. Classes

29. Instance Variables and Methods
30. Constructors
31. Drawing Shapes

32. The Math Class
33. Review
34. Quiz

Unit 6: Strings

A string is any text-based information longer than a single character. For example, “Greetings” and “Game Over” are examples of strings. Explore topics like concatenation, string traversals, and more.

6 Lessons:

35. Introduction to Strings
36. String Methods
37. More String Methods

38. Substrings
39. Review
40. Quiz

Unit 7: Booleans and If Statements

Learn about true-and-false values, digital logic, and how to make programs “make decisions” using control structures like if statements. This unit also explores the idea of selection to handle a wider variety of inputs and conditions.

7 Lessons:

41. Boolean Expression Basics
42. Logical Operators in Java
43. Using Relational and Logical Operators Together

44. Conditional Statements
45. Else and Else-If Statements
46. Conditionals Review

47. Conditionals Quiz

Unit 8: While Loops

In a while loop, code is repeated, as long as some condition is true. This approach allows for flexibility in responding to a changing situation. Explore how to take control of loops while solving drawing puzzles.

8 Lessons:

48. The While Loop
49. Take Control of Loops
50. Infinite Loops

51. Draw with Loops
52. Randomness
53. While Loop Puzzles

54. Review
55. Quiz

Unit 9: For Loops

Explore another common way to iterate through code: the for loop. This construct is a convenient way to repeat when you know how many times you want a block of code to be executed. Students also explore accumulating, filtering, and mapping, using some classic CS brainteasers like FizzBuzz.

7 Lessons:

56. For Loop Basics
57. Nested Loops
58. Accumulating, Filtering, Mapping

59. Loop Challenges
60. Common Pitfalls
61. Review

62. Quiz

Unit 10: Algorithms Challenge Lab

Get familiar with so-called “Standard Algorithms” with some more hands-on practice. Experiment with efficiency and informally compare algorithm speed.

1 Lesson:

63. Lab: Algorithms

Unit 11: Classes

A deeper dive into object-oriented programming, covering topics like classes, data, constructors, and methods.

12 Lessons:

64. Constructors
65. “this”
66. Intangible Objects
67. Adding Functionality

68. toString
69. Separation of Concerns
70. Setters and Getters
71. Writing Setters and Getters

72. National Parks
73. Impact of Computing
74. Review
75. Quiz

Unit 12: Array Basics

Learn about the array, which can be used to manage large amounts of data in a single variable. Also learn about array operations and how torprocess the data found in arrays using selection and iteration.

7 Lessons:

76. The Case for Arrays
77. Creating Arrays
78. For Loops and Arrays

79. Processing Arrays
80. Taking Flight
81. Arrays Review

82. Arrays Quiz

Unit 13: Array Applications

Explore practical applications of arrays, as well as additional methods for array processing. For example, use arrays to explore global temperature data from NASA and create simple bar charts to visualize patterns in the data.

11 Lessons:

83. Arrays and Objects
84. Comma Separated Values
85. Arrays and Objects 2
86. ToDo List

87. Dream Journal
88. Global Temperatures
89. Graphing Temperatures
90. Regional Temperatures

91. ForEach Loops
92. Arrays and Objects Review
93. Arrays and Objects Quiz

Unit 14: Array Challenge Lab

Students practice with a sequence of Array programming challenges, which will require them to invent their own algorithms for array traversal and processing.

1 Lesson:

94. Lab: Array Challenges

Unit 15: Inheritance

Explore the idea of class hierarchy and inheritance patterns with hands-on exercises using superclass and subclass.

7 Lessons:

95. Introduction to Inheritance
96. Extends
97. Equals

98. Super
99. Polymorphism
100. Inheritance Review

101. Inheritance Quiz

Unit 16: Capstone Project

In this scaffolded but open-ended prompt, students will develop their own original program, making choices about the purpose of their program and what its functionality will be. After several work periods, students will take a break and write about the program they made, as well as the lessons they learned.

4 Lessons:

102. Capstone Project, Day One
103. Day Two: Find Bugs

104. Day Three: Minimum Viable Product

105. Day Four: Polish, Test, and Document

Choose a Plan to Accelerate Your Learning

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Choose a Plan to Accelerate Your Learning

Choose a 3-Year Self-Paced Plan

All Family Plans include up to 3 family members
60% OFF  • was $30

3-month access to all self-guided courses, from novice to expert

$36 billed quarterly | cancel any time

60% OFF  • was $25

1-year access to all self-guided courses, from novice to expert

$120 billed annually | cancel any time

$312 one time
60% OFF  • was $780

Lifetime access to all self-guided courses, from novice to expert

Best Deal

3-Year All-Access plans include:

  • 70+ courses
  • 5,000+ activities
  • Block Coding
  • Text Coding
  • 3 Mobile Apps
  • Minecraft Modding
  • Game Design
  • Robotics
  • Hardware
  • Web Development
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Processing (P5.JS)
  • Data Science
  • Advanced CS

Tynker is designed to progress with your child. A three year plan accelerates their coding mastery from block coding to advanced text languages.

Choose a Plan to Accelerate Your Learning

Choose Live Online Courses

Choose a Plan to Accelerate Your Learning

Choose a 3-Year Self-Paced Plan

60% OFF


$25 $10 /month Now $120 billed annually cancel any time
60% OFF


$780 $312 one time payment Best Deal
60% OFF


$30 $12 /month Now $36 billed quarterly cancel any time
60% OFF


$30 $12 /month Now $36 billed quarterly cancel any time
60% OFF


$25 $10 /month Now $120 billed annually cancel any time
60% OFF


$780 $312 one time payment Best Deal
* Lifetime plan details are available here.

Access everything Tynker offers

  • Thousands of hours of creative projects in Game Design, Minecraft, Python concepts, and more
  • Personalized assessments and certifications in real-world languages
  • Access to our highly rated mobile apps: Tynker, Tynker Junior & Mod Creator
  • 5,000+ lessons built to improve problem solving skills and academic performance
  • Parent dashboard with mastery stats - watch as they progress from novice to expert
  • 30 Day Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Beginner

    Minecraft Modding: Sandsville Sorcerer

    Embark on a magical quest while mastering the art of crafting Minecraft skins, items, blocks, mobs, and more!

    Create your schedule: anytime, any day.

    % OFF


    $0 $0 / class

    $0 one time payment

    Book a Class

    Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

    Show Hide Course Details

    Course Overview

    Embark on 30+ exciting missions to create skins, mythical creatures, fascinating structures and code mob behavior, all while enhancing  computational thinking skills. Students will learn to edit Minecraft skins, items, mobs & build structures with Tynker.

    Learning Objectives

    • Create custom skins for players
    • Design a mythical animal and bring them to life
    • Modify mobs behavior using code
    • Foster creativity while designing intricate structures
    • Enchant tools to defend village from mobs
    • Introduction to computational thinking via Minecraft Modding
    • 30+ Activities
    • Skill Level: Beginners
    • Format: Online 1-on-1 Lessons
    • Classes: 4 one hour sessions
    • Schedule: Anytime, any day
    • Required: Windows 10 or above with 4 GB RAM and Minecraft Bedrock version installed
    • Minecraft Bedrock System Requirements


    Critical Thinking Sequencing Computational Thinking Creative Building STEM: Plants and Animals Commands Mob Editing Use of Inventory 3D Structures Modding Spawning Enhancements
  • Intermediate

    Minecraft Modding: Cosmic Chronicles

    Explore new biomes as you create intricate Minecraft structures, mods, and games using visual coding.

    Create your schedule: anytime, any day.

    % OFF


    $0 $0 / class

    $0 one time payment

    Book a Class

    Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

    Show Hide Course Details

    Course Overview

    Embark on 30+ exciting missions to build structures using coding, survival skills and fundamental redstone techniques, all while honing the coding skills. Students will learn to edit Minecraft skins, items, create mods & build complex structures with Tynker.

    Learning Objectives

    • Learn survival hacks in Minecraft
    • Build faster using code
    • Enchant items in Minecraft
    • Explore different biomes
    • Learn to create basic redstone circuits
    • 30+ Activities
    • Skill Level: Beginners to Intermediate
    • Format: Online 1-on-1 Lessons
    • Classes: 4 one hour sessions
    • Schedule: Anytime, any day
    • Required: Windows 10 or above with 4 GB RAM and Minecraft Bedrock version installed
    • Minecraft Bedrock System Requirements


    Critical Thinking Creative Building Coding Fundamentals Design Thinking Curiosity & Innovation Mob Editing Crafting Underwater Structures Modding Enhancements Survival Hacks
  • Advanced

    Minecraft Modding: Redstone Revelation

    Become a redstone master as you craft planetary havens, powered rails, TNT cannons, and code-driven traps.

    Create your schedule: anytime, any day.

    % OFF


    $0 $0 / class

    $0 one time payment

    Book a Class

    Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

    Show Hide Course Details

    Course Overview

    Embark on 30+ highly complex missions to build innovative habitats, mine, and create transportation systems, all while mastering the art of redstone engineering. Students will learn to build complex structures, redstone mechanisms, and mod with Tynker.

    Learning Objectives

    • Learn about ores and how to process them to extract material
    • Build strong problem solving and reasoning skills by building structures and crafting items using code
    • Learn planning by playing effectively using limited resources
    • Foster critical thinking by working with redstone mechanisms
    • Learn game mechanics in Minecraft
    • 30+ Activities
    • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
    • Format: Online 1-on-1 Lessons
    • Classes: 4 one hour sessions
    • Schedule: Anytime, any day
    • Required: Windows 10 or above with 4 GB RAM and Minecraft Bedrock version installed
    • Minecraft Bedrock System Requirements


    Critical Thinking Problem Solving Coding Fundamentals Game Design STEM: Circuits and Engineering Mob Editing Redstone Mechanics Modding Dispenser Pulsar TNT Cannon Command Blocks
  • Beginner

    Minecraft Modding: Sandsville Sorcerer

    Embark on a magical quest while mastering the art of crafting Minecraft skins, items, blocks, mobs, and more!

    Create your schedule: anytime, any day.

    % OFF


    $0 $0 / class

    $0 one time payment

    Book a Class

    Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

    Show Hide Course Details

    Course Overview

    Embark on 30+ exciting missions to create skins, mythical creatures, fascinating structures and code mob behavior, all while enhancing  computational thinking skills. Students will learn to edit Minecraft skins, items, mobs & build structures with Tynker.

    Learning Objectives

    • Create custom skins for players
    • Design a mythical animal and bring them to life
    • Modify mobs behavior using code
    • Foster creativity while designing intricate structures
    • Enchant tools to defend village from mobs
    • Introduction to computational thinking via Minecraft Modding
    • 30+ Activities
    • Skill Level: Beginners
    • Format: Online 1-on-1 Lessons
    • Classes: 4 one hour sessions
    • Schedule: Anytime, any day
    • Required: Windows 10 or above with 4 GB RAM and Minecraft Bedrock version installed
    • Minecraft Bedrock System Requirements


    Critical Thinking Sequencing Computational Thinking Creative Building STEM: Plants and Animals Commands Mob Editing Use of Inventory 3D Structures Modding Spawning Enhancements
  • Intermediate

    Minecraft Modding: Cosmic Chronicles

    Explore new biomes as you create intricate Minecraft structures, mods, and games using visual coding.

    Create your schedule: anytime, any day.

    % OFF


    $0 $0 / class

    $0 one time payment

    Book a Class

    Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

    Show Hide Course Details

    Course Overview

    Embark on 30+ exciting missions to build structures using coding, survival skills and fundamental redstone techniques, all while honing the coding skills. Students will learn to edit Minecraft skins, items, create mods & build complex structures with Tynker.

    Learning Objectives

    • Learn survival hacks in Minecraft
    • Build faster using code
    • Enchant items in Minecraft
    • Explore different biomes
    • Learn to create basic redstone circuits
    • 30+ Activities
    • Skill Level: Beginners to Intermediate
    • Format: Online 1-on-1 Lessons
    • Classes: 4 one hour sessions
    • Schedule: Anytime, any day
    • Required: Windows 10 or above with 4 GB RAM and Minecraft Bedrock version installed
    • Minecraft Bedrock System Requirements


    Critical Thinking Creative Building Coding Fundamentals Design Thinking Curiosity & Innovation Mob Editing Crafting Underwater Structures Modding Enhancements Survival Hacks
  • Advanced

    Minecraft Modding: Redstone Revelation

    Become a redstone master as you craft planetary havens, powered rails, TNT cannons, and code-driven traps.

    Create your schedule: anytime, any day.

    % OFF


    $0 $0 / class

    $0 one time payment

    Book a Class

    Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee*

    Show Hide Course Details

    Course Overview

    Embark on 30+ highly complex missions to build innovative habitats, mine, and create transportation systems, all while mastering the art of redstone engineering. Students will learn to build complex structures, redstone mechanisms, and mod with Tynker.

    Learning Objectives

    • Learn about ores and how to process them to extract material
    • Build strong problem solving and reasoning skills by building structures and crafting items using code
    • Learn planning by playing effectively using limited resources
    • Foster critical thinking by working with redstone mechanisms
    • Learn game mechanics in Minecraft
    • 30+ Activities
    • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
    • Format: Online 1-on-1 Lessons
    • Classes: 4 one hour sessions
    • Schedule: Anytime, any day
    • Required: Windows 10 or above with 4 GB RAM and Minecraft Bedrock version installed
    • Minecraft Bedrock System Requirements


    Critical Thinking Problem Solving Coding Fundamentals Game Design STEM: Circuits and Engineering Mob Editing Redstone Mechanics Modding Dispenser Pulsar TNT Cannon Command Blocks
* Lifetime plan details are available here.

3-Year All-Access plans include:

  • 70+ courses
  • 5,000+ activities
  • Block Coding
  • Text Coding
  • 3 Mobile Apps
  • Minecraft Modding
  • Game Design
  • Robotics
  • Hardware
  • Web Development
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Processing (P5.JS)
  • Data Science
  • Advanced CS

Tynker is designed to progress with your child. A three year plan accelerates their coding mastery from block coding to advanced text languages.