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Beetroot Seeds

Type Item
Stackable? Yes
First Appearance Pocket Edition Alpha 0.8.0/1.9 PC


Beetroot Seeds are obtained at a 1/16 chance by using a Hoe on Grass Blocks , or often by destroying a fully-grown Beetroot plant. As of The Combat Update , beetroot can be found in Villages and in End City .


Beetroot Seeds can be planted in Farmland which is created when the player hoes a Dirt block with a hoe . To make the beetroot grow faster, the player can plant the seeds near water (within four blocks distance) to make hydrated farmland. Hydrated farmland can be identified with it being considerably darker than normal farmland and makes all seeds, not only beetroot seeds, grow faster.

When the Beetroot plant is fully mature, it can be harvested and used to make Beetroot Soup .

Other Types of Seeds

  • Seeds (Wheat)
  • Melon Seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Nether Warts (grown in Soul Sand )

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