• add ur oc panicing at the Canada EAS alarm at 3AM
  • swallowed shampoo meme
  • Idk what your talking about...
  • Mephone4 RICKROLLED rickroll meme r34 heat bfdi inanimate insanity hosts osc PuddingChan pudding-chan pudding chan ew gross yuck what is this this is a joke joking no big deal about it oh hey human why did you remix this are you reacting to it well this is a joke and you shouldn't make a big deal about it every day I think of all the things I'll make with my pans my mixer and my oven tray get the eggs the flour and the butter sticks or get lazy and just make it with a mix maybe strawberry shortcake I'll never get bored of it vanilla and chocolate and funfetti oh red velvet and carrot no matter I swear that it will be the best ever to take to the show hey two when you bake a cake decorate it take it to the players who are safe that's how you know it's cake at stake cake at stake cake at stake every night I think of people I'll invite to my stage where my cake is looking just right wish you could Taste I made it really good and stuff by the way I Think that camera is enough making pumpkin and lemon banana it's heaven with some frosting or fondant glaze or ganache with so many cakes now my schedule is crazy but I bake so impatiently cause I love cake oh my gosh when you bake a cake decorate it take it to the players who are safe that's how you know it's cake at stake cake at stake cake at stake cake at stake cake at stake basketball black hole bottle and golf ball snowball tennis ball pillow and puff ball coiny and bomby and cloudy and pie book and cake and donut and fries eggy fanny grassy and barf bag ice cube lighting gaty and price tag winner foldy saw tv nickel and needle and naily and tree remote marker yellow face clock pen and pin eraser and rocky teardrop bell robot flower keep winning cake and you'll get two's power abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz