- Angry creeper because his bros got sprayed with weird venom goooo stuff why do i even bother to write all of this? i have no idea but this is fun so the origin storie is. once a creeper that was sad angry and happy all at the same time he did not know what to do so he asked many players if they help him many of them ran away until he asked a very famous warrior and the warrior sprayed him with water and he got a lot angrier the end180
- Angry creeper because his bros got sprayed with weird venom goooo stuff why do i even bother to write all of this? i have no idea but this is fun so the origin storie is. once a creeper that was sad angry and happy all at the same time he did not know what to do so he asked many players if they help him many of them ran away until he asked a very famous warrior and the warrior sprayed him with water and he got a lot angrier the end180