The Best Ways to Learn JavaScript

Image source: Pexels

By Tyler Ortman

August 10, 2022

Have you heard about JavaScript, the programming language of the web?  JavaScript is a great first programming language because it’s easy to learn, powerful, and everywhere around us. 


Image source: Pexels

JavaScript powers the websites you visit every day.   It’s used by professional engineers at groundbreaking companies like YouTube, Facebook, and yes, even here at Tynker! 

Image source: Pexels

Why Learn JavaScript?




Learn the basic syntax — the rules that all programs must follow. Take a beginner’s course to see what’s possible

Find a community of learners at your school or online so that you can share your knowledge and excitement about coding. 

The Best Way to Learn...

Choose practical projects that inspire you and complete them on your own!

You can’t learn how to program by just reading. You’ll need to actively write and experiment with code. Don’t worry if you get errors, that’s the best way to learn—by making mistakes and trying again. 

Keep At It!

Image source: Pexels

Looking for cool project ideas? Log in at From your dashboard, select +Create Project, then choose JavaScript and select Blank JavaScript Project or try a tutorial that sounds cool. 

Write Your Own


Naturally, you use JavaScript to make incredible personal websites.  For example, check out this interactive photo gallery.

What Can You Create?


You can easily make calculators and interactive widgets, too!  Here is a currency converter.

What Can You Create?


Web-based games are also a snap! Simple arcade games can be a great place to begin.

What Can You Create?


Use p5.js to create artistic inventions and interactive animations!

What Can You Create?

Keep Learning

Add new capabilities to JavaScript using libraries like p5.js or node.js. Dig into related technologies like HTML and CSS. Or try out another language like Python or Java and start the process all over again!

Image source: Pexels

Looking to try the basics? Check out simple tutorials from the +Create Project menu of your dashboard. 

Explore JavaScript Courses: 1. JavaScript 1 2. Counterhack 3. Intro to Web Development 4. Processing 1