Video by Pexels

Is Coding Hard?

By Tynker

August 8, 2022

Programming has an undeserved reputation as "hard." Everyone can learn how to code!

Most programs make it fun and easy to get started coding! 

Pre-readers can learn how to code using simple icons and then build to block coding.

Block coding is also a great place to start if you have little or no prior coding experience.

Kids learn the fundamentals of programming and create incredible projects with block-based courses.

Some programs, like Tynker, make it easy to progress to real world text-based programming languages. Think: College prep and more.

After block coding, kids can progress to real-world coding languages like Python, JavaScript, or Java.

Coding develops grit, too. Kids learn perseverance and self-discipline by fixing errors. A satisfying reward awaits them at the end.

Photo by Pexels

Learning how to code will open up doors to more possibilities in your career and everyday life. Here at Tynker, we're here to set you up for success! So what are you waiting for?