At Tynker, our mission is to help kids to learn to code, and become tomorrow’s makers. Computing is changing the world, and programming is rapidly becoming an essential skill. We want to empower kids to create in every aspect of their world, both digital and physical.
Tynker makes kids successful creators by putting them in control — to create what they imagine and bring their ideas to life. Today, creation is online and mobile – tomorrow, who knows? That’s why we’re here at the Maker Faire. We want to give kids in every community the tools and skills to innovate. We echo the maker movement’s call to action: BE A MAKER!
Ready, set, play! If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area this weekend, stop by to “Tynker” with our latest apps! We’re excited to show kids and parents how easy and fun it is to learn programming with Tynker.
Do you support the maker movement? Tell us about the amazing things you’ve seen kids create!