January 19, 2016
Five Inspiring Ways that Technology is Making the World Better
Five Inspiring Ways that Technology is Making the World Better Every year, the Nominet Trust names 100 people and...
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December 12, 2015
Why Coding?
Why Coding? There’s been a lot of buzz about kids learning to code lately. This year, almost 200 million...
April 1, 2015
90 Percent Of Parents Agree That STEM Skills Will Be Crucial In Order For Their Child To Succeed
BY SYLVAN LEARNING | MAR 30, 2015 BALTIMORE (March 30, 2015) – Sylvan Learning, Inc., the leading North American...
September 17, 2014
Coding with Tynker Produces Confident, Creative Kids
Coding with Tynker Produces Confident, Creative Kids What is the benefit of creating with code? Do we want all...
July 31, 2014
Tynker Gets More Kids (and Girls!) to Code
If you ask an average 10 year old if she wants to learn programming, the answer will quite possibly...