August 20, 2021
Sports + Coding = Tynker
As the world witnessed during the 2021 summer Olympic Games in Japan, sports have a way of bringing people...
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May 20, 2021
Announcing All New Synth Tutorials!
Have you been playing with Tynker’s Synth blocks? Synth, short for synthesizer, is a cool way to create totally...
August 18, 2020
A Family That Codes Together, Creates Together!
Parents love that Tynker is self-guided, allowing kids to get started on the path toward coding with simple tutorials...
July 9, 2020
12 Ways to Keep Your Child’s Mind Sharp This Summer
12 Ways to Keep Your Child’s Mind Sharp This Summer School’s out and many in-person summer camps are closed...
June 16, 2020
New Tynker Course! Ada’s Adventure
New Tynker Course! Ada’s Adventure Kids will have a blast this summer learning how to code with our newly...
May 7, 2020
Tynker’s Top 5 Coding Courses in April
Tynker’s Top 5 Coding Courses in April While adjusting to remote/online learning this spring, we’ve seen more kids gravitate...
April 16, 2020
Tynker’s New Music Features!
Tynker’s New Music features! Are your kids itching to unleash their inner Beyoncé or tap into the symphonic sounds...