15 Exciting Summer Learning Activities to Beat the Brain Drain

Last Updated: July 19, 2024 2:27 pm
15 Exciting Summer Learning Activities to Beat the Brain Drain

Ah, summertime—that glorious stretch of lazy days, warm nights, and adventures waiting to be had. But amidst the fun and relaxation, it’s easy to forget that young minds, freshly liberated from the classroom, can benefit from a little boost from summer learning activities.

This helps keep them sharp and curious during summer vacation. Don’t worry, parents and educators; we’re about to explore exciting and engaging summer learning activities. These will have kids clamoring for more while subtly nurturing their brains. So ditch those dull workbooks and prepare for a summer brimming with learning disguised as pure fun.  It’s time to discover how to make those sunny days a springboard for growth and discovery with enriching summer learning activities.

Table Of Contents:

Embrace the Power of Reading: Summer Learning Activities for All Ages

Let’s start with the cornerstone of learning: reading. It’s a passport to countless worlds, fostering imagination, expanding vocabulary, and building those all-important comprehension skills. But summer reading should be a joy, an escape, and a portal to excitement, not dusty textbooks. Encourage children to explore books they choose, from thrilling mysteries to side-splitting comedies to captivating non-fiction.

Why not create a cozy reading nook with comfy pillows, a soft blanket, and a summer reading log? This is a fun way for kids to practice reading. Kids can track their literary escapades, jot down favorite quotes, or even sketch scenes that capture their imaginations.

Ignite a Passion for Reading With Captivating Books

Looking for book suggestions? This summer, transport your little ones to magical shores with Beth Ferry’s enchanting tale, “Swashby and the Sea.” Or journey through a sweltering summer day with Karen English’s heartwarming story, “Hot Day on Abbott Avenue.” For a visually stunning adventure, dive into the wordless masterpiece “Flotsam” by David Wiesner.

Older elementary and middle school readers can delve into the time-bending mystery of Lamar Giles’s “The Last Last-Day-of-Summer”. They can also explore the challenges of summer camp in Kayla Miller’s relatable graphic novel “Camp.” Or step back in time with Linda Sue Park’s historical fiction “Keeping Score”, which weaves a coming-of-age story with the backdrop of the 1950s Brooklyn Dodgers.  Gary Soto’s “Baseball in April and Other Stories” offers a collection of realistic tales perfect for summer reading. While Gary Paulsen’s “Harris and Me” provides a humorous and heartwarming journey for those transitioning to middle school.

Boost Comprehension Skills and Family Bonding with Summer Book Clubs

Take those literary journeys a step further with a summer family book club. This fun activity gets everyone involved, fostering deeper discussions, sparking thoughtful reflections, and building those all-important communication skills. Talking about what kids read is a fantastic way to improve reading comprehension.  It allows kids to delve deeper into themes and share what they think. Family members can take turns choosing books and leading the discussions.

And if you have a budding journalist or science enthusiast in your family, check out Newsela. This site offers news articles curated for different grade levels, perfect for keeping those reading comprehension skills sharp while exploring current events. Even better, you can find these articles in both English and Spanish.

But why stop with family? Encourage your child to organize a book club with friends, turning those reading adventures into shared experiences and looking for more guidance on making a successful book club. Look no further than the online resources available at Penguin Random House.

Dive into Interactive Learning Adventures with Exciting Math and Science Activities

We all know summertime is the perfect opportunity for children to learn new things. Kids crave a break from formal learning. However, they are often receptive to new hobbies or exploring different areas. Whether related to technology, art, or science, these endeavors keep their minds engaged and build essential skills while being a blast. Here’s a glimpse at how we can weave math and science seamlessly into those fun summer days:

Embark on Math Adventures with Everyday Activities

Don’t let math skills slip away during those carefree summer months. Why not combine the excitement of a scavenger hunt with math challenges? Get creative and make your own game cards. You could also adapt one you love to include multiplication problems, simple fractions, or logic puzzles.

You could also turn baking adventures into delicious math lessons by involving children in measuring ingredients. You’ll find plenty of age-appropriate recipe suggestions online. You could also let your child choose their favorite treat and help them adapt the measurements for different serving sizes.

Need more ideas? Explore the “Count to 20 Hands-on Worksheet” and “Ice Cream Sundae Count to 20 Cards” available at Kindergarten Worksheets and Games. And don’t underestimate the power of online games. Many math-related game apps and websites are designed to be entertaining and educational. Math games can make practicing math fun.

Embrace the World of Science With Hands-On Experiments

Your home can transform into a captivating science lab from the kitchen to the backyard. Ever dreamed of creating your mesmerizing lava lamp? You can unleash your inner chemist with just a few simple household items like oil, water, food coloring, and Alka-Seltzer tablets. You can also find detailed instructions online for creating your lava lamp. Don’t forget the power of good ol’ bubble solution.

Experiment with different recipes and create unique wands out of everyday items for fun summer learning. You can even test your creations with these bubble blowing tools. Take science outdoors, explore the magic of nature walks, and build a collection of fascinating rocks, minerals, and insects. A pocket field guide makes a great companion, empowering kids to identify their finds.

For an extra challenge, use the information from this site to identify nighttime insects drawn to porch lights. You can even delve into more detail by consulting the comprehensive guide in the “National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders.”

Let Your Child Be a Mad Scientist

For the more adventurous spirits, how about creating your sparkly crystal garden? With simple ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions from resources like “Joey Green’s Mad Scientist Experiments,” this project is a great way to introduce the science of crystal formation. Want to create something artistic with crystals? Check out this Pearl Counting Activity Mat.

The Benefits of Summer School

Are you worried about the dreaded “summer slide”? Studies have shown that fun summer learning activities can effectively prevent learning loss. These programs help kids solidify their knowledge and skills. They also ensure a smooth transition back to the classroom in the fall. One study from Annenberg Brown University suggests summer learning activities, specifically math programs, can have a lasting impact on a student’s progress. Research from the Rand Corporation shows summer learning programs benefit reading and math skills the most.

But who wants summer school to feel like… well, school? Don’t worry—plenty of fun, enriching, and unschool-like summer programs keep kids engaged and happy. Check out what your local community centers, libraries, museums, or even camps offer. Focus on those programs that combine academic components with engaging activities like arts, crafts, games, and outdoor adventures.

The Importance of 20 Minutes

It is a misconception that making summer learning effective requires a monumental amount of time and resources. Even incorporating 20 minutes a day can do the trick.

Just set a timer and dedicate those minutes to reading, engaging in a science experiment, playing math-related board games, or doing any of the many activities we’ve explored. Make it consistent. Turn those 20 minutes into a daily ritual, and you’ll be amazed at the results. It’s proof that even small pockets of focused learning can make a big difference.

Unleash Creativity with Captivating Summer Art and Writing Adventures

Art and writing can prevent the “summer slide” and nurture a child’s creativity and self-expression. Incorporate these skills seamlessly into summer learning adventures. Use engaging projects, collaborative challenges, and playful experimentation.

Summer Writing: Let Those Stories Flow.

Encouraging children to write during the summer needn’t involve long, tedious essays. Instead, provide engaging prompts, such as imaginative scenarios (“What if your pet could talk?”) or reflective questions (“What’s your favorite summer memory and why?”). Summer is a perfect time for journaling. Kids can write their adventures, dreams, and thoughts or express themselves freely on paper.

And don’t underestimate the power of friendly competition. Create a story challenge within the family, using prompts or even random words as inspiration. Take turns building a collaborative tale sentence by sentence – it’s guaranteed to elicit laughter and spark creative thinking. Want a more long-term project? Get those budding authors to write and illustrate their books – complete with homemade covers, unique characters, and compelling plotlines. They could even stage a reading for the family at the end of the summer.

Summertime Fun: Dive into the Art World

Remember those vibrant colors found in nature walks and outdoor explorations? Encourage your kids to recreate these hues using watercolors, pastels, or crayons, capturing their impressions on paper. Those rocks and shells you collected? Those are now transformed into building blocks for a unique mosaic. Don’t have access to traditional art supplies? Not to worry.

Look no further than everyday items found around the house: recycled boxes become colorful robots, paper plates become playful animal masks, and ordinary buttons become intricate mosaics. This kind of resourcefulness not only nurtures creativity but fosters problem-solving and a mindful approach to the environment. You’ll find plenty of creative art project suggestions online.

Ever heard of origami? This fish will provide a bit of summer fun for a quiet day. You could even try making a fish-themed mobile out of these fun fish to celebrate summer.

Try Creating Musical Instruments and Animated Films

Speaking of crafts, have you ever thought of making musical instruments with kids? Enchanted Learning gives instructions on how to create them. The sounds of homemade maracas and rain sticks can easily make dull days exciting and joyful for your kids.

But let’s step into the 21st century and unlock the exciting realm of digital creativity.  Summer learning activities can leverage the appeal of technology, transforming ordinary learning into thrilling endeavors. Encourage budding animators by providing simple animation or coding apps like Tynker on tablets or phones. Have them create stop-motion films using those favorite toys, write engaging stories brought to life with animated characters, or experiment with creating simple music using online programs or apps.

Use a Camera for a Fun Learning Project

Give kids a camera (phones are perfect.), and see how many examples of geometric shapes they can capture on a walk or around the house. When you return, they can use geometry skills to design original Connect the Dot sheets, challenging friends to complete their unique creations. Try drawing lessons. Sites like How to Draw Cartoons make it fun and easy to draw a character for the animated films kids make. Books like “The Complete Cartooning Course” offer comprehensive step-by-step instructions for a structured approach to drawing cartoon figures.

And if your budding artists are captivated by animation, how about encouraging them to explore simple filmmaking? They can create their stop-motion films, script a series of hilarious videos, or even document those fun summer adventures visually creatively. You’ll be amazed at the stories they can tell through this engaging medium. It’s a win-win. Kids stay busy and entertained on long summer days, and their creative talents are stimulated.

Remember the core of summer learning: Let it be enjoyable, encourage choice and exploration, and make it relevant to the child’s interests. Summer is about turning it into a springboard for exploration, adventure, and personal growth while seamlessly incorporating those all-important learning opportunities. You can help turn this summer break into an unforgettable blend of fun, learning, and laughter with a little creativity.

Looking for inspiration to help inspire summer learning? Try this fun scavenger hunt, perfect for the first day of summer or a day full of adventure. Take advantage of free resources. These 15 virtual museum tours will indeed offer inspiration. Looking for something more artistic and visually appealing? Try doing your image walk.

FAQs About Summer Learning Activities

What should I teach during summer school?

The summer school provides the opportunity to keep academics sharp and help prevent the summer slide that can happen to most students. However, academics and reading skills are not the only focus of summer school. Don’t be afraid to include hands-on experiences engaging a student’s creativity and interest.

For example, focus on academics in the morning. Then, incorporate a more fun craft, science, or technology project or lesson in the afternoon. For example, you might have them keep a nature journal while hiking through a local state park.

What activity can be done best during the summer?

Take advantage of the warmer weather. Kids will get plenty of exercise running through a splash pad at a park. Go camping and cook dinner over a campfire. June activities can include a visit to a local swimming pool or lake. The possibilities are endless.

How do you engage students in summer school?

Include student interests when designing learning opportunities. Get them involved in creating their projects and lesson plans. The choice is empowering and often leads to higher engagement. Remember that summer learning shouldn’t feel like a traditional school. Create a fun environment. If it’s beautiful weather outside, take a lesson in the sunshine.

For example, students can use sidewalk chalk to create tessellations or play geometry hopscotch. In this student-led learning experience, students set their own goals.

What is a fun way of learning?

Anything hands-on can increase student engagement and a desire to learn. Summer is also a great time to create crafts from recycled materials or hold an inventor’s day. This gives kids the freedom to explore, design, and create.


Embracing a range of dynamic summer learning activities creates lasting memories. Learning blossoms when kids don’t even realize they’re learning. And summer vacation offers the perfect playground for just that. Whether it’s crafting intricate mosaics with pebbles, cooking up delicious math lessons in the kitchen, or diving deep into exciting stories, summer is a time for exploration, creativity, and adventure.

The journey may unfold between the pages of a beloved book, in the backyard while concocting a fizzy volcano, or through lively conversations in a family book club – the possibilities for summer learning activities are boundless. Let those bright sunny days be more than a break – make this a summer full of learning.

About Lomit Patel

Lomit Patel is the Chief Growth Officer of Tynker, with 20 years of experience helping startups grow into successful businesses. He is also the author of the book "Lean AI" which is part of Eric Ries' bestselling "The Lean Startup" series.