Should Your 8 Year Old Learn Coding? Benefits & Resources

Last Updated: April 23, 2024 1:25 am
Should Your 8 Year Old Learn Coding? Benefits & Resources

So, you’re wondering, why should your 8 year old learn coding?

You’re not alone. Nowadays, it seems like more parents than ever are scratching their heads over the same digital dilemma.

The truth is, coding isn’t just for tech whizzes and computer geeks anymore. It’s a valuable skill that can benefit kids in many ways – from boosting problem-solving skills to fostering creativity.

But where do you even start? What are the best coding classes and resources for 8 year olds?

Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered. Hang tight as we unpack why coding could be your kid’s next big thing, along with navigating top-notch methods and materials to ease them onto this exciting trail.

Ready to find out if your 8 year old should learn coding? Let’s go!

Should your 8 Years Old Learn Coding?

As a parent, you want to give your child every advantage in life. You sign them up for sports, music lessons, and art classes. But have you considered why should your 8 year old learn coding? Learning to code at a young age can provide many benefits that will serve your child well into the future.

I’ve seen firsthand how learning to code can transform a child’s life. My daughter started coding at 8, and the skills she’s gained have been nothing short of remarkable. Here are just a few of the benefits I’ve witnessed:

Boosts Problem-Solving Skills

Coding is all about breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable chunks. This computational thinking approach is a valuable skill that transfers to many areas of life. When my daughter encounters a challenge, whether it’s a tough math problem or a disagreement with a friend, she can approach it systematically and find a solution. It’s another reason why should your 8 year old learn coding.

Improves Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is a way of solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior that draws on concepts fundamental to computer science. It’s a skill that’s becoming increasingly important in our tech-driven world. By learning to code, 8-year-olds develop computational thinking skills that will serve them well in any field they choose to pursue. It’s another reason why should your 8 year old learn coding.

Encourages Persistence

Coding can be frustrating at times. Bugs happen, and things don’t always work as planned. But learning to code teaches kids to keep trying, even when things get tough. They learn that failure is just a part of the process, and that persistence pays off. This is a lesson that will serve them well throughout their lives. It’s another reason why should your 8 year old learn coding.

Teaches Creativity

Many people think of coding as a purely technical skill, but it’s actually a highly creative pursuit. When kids learn to code, they learn to bring their ideas to life. They can create games, animations, and interactive stories. They learn to express themselves in new and exciting ways. It’s another reason why should your 8 year old learn coding.

Helps Teach Digital Literacy

In today’s world, digital literacy is just as critical as traditional literacy. By learning to code, kids gain a deeper understanding of how technology works. They learn to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and skill. This critical skill will serve them well in their personal and professional lives. It’s another reason why should your 8 year old learn coding.

Career-Building Skill

While 8-year-olds are too young to think about their future careers, learning to code can open up a world of possibilities. Many of the most in-demand and high-paying jobs require coding skills. By starting early, kids can get a head start on building the skills they’ll need to succeed in the future workforce. It’s another reason why should your 8 year old learn coding.

Improves Confidence and Communication Skills

Learning to code is empowering. Kids create something with code and feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. This boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, coding projects often involve collaboration and communication. Kids learn to work together, share ideas, and explain their thought processes. These valuable skills will serve them well in all areas of life. It’s another reason why should your 8 year old learn coding.

Best Coding Classes and Camps for 8 Year Olds

So, you’re convinced that your 8-year-old should learn to code. But where do you start? Many coding classes and camps are available for kids, but not all are created equal. Here are a few of the best options:

Tynker Classes

Tynker is a free programming language designed specifically for kids. It’s a great place to start for 8-year-olds new to coding. Many coding classes and camps use Tynker as a foundation, teaching kids the basics of programming through fun, interactive projects.

Game Development Camp

A game development camp can be a great way for kids who love video games to learn coding. These camps teach kids how to create their games using kid-friendly programming tools. They learn the basics of game design and development while having fun and making new friends.

Mobile Madness Camp

Kids are enamored with mobile apps, which are a big part of our lives. At a Mobile Madness camp, 8-year-olds can learn how to create their mobile apps using age-appropriate tools. They’ll learn the basics of app development and have the opportunity to bring their app ideas to life.

Rise of the Machines Camp

A Rise of the Machines camp can be a great choice for kids interested in robotics. These camps teach kids how to build and program their robots using kid-friendly tools. They learn the basics of robotics and programming while having fun and exploring their creativity.

Private Lessons

Private coding lessons may be the way to go if your child prefers one-on-one instruction. With private lessons, your child can learn at their own pace and focus on the projects that interest them most. Many coding schools offer private lessons for kids, either in-person or online.

Coding Pathways and Resources for 8 Year Olds

In addition to coding classes and camps, many resources are available for 8 yearolds who want to learn to code. Here are a few of the best:

Tynker Free Trials

As mentioned, Tynker coding concepts are programming languages designed specifically for kids. It’s a great place to start for 8-year-olds new to coding. The Tynker curriculum is much better than scratch coding because it offers a wide range of tutorials, projects, and resources to help kids start learning the basic coding concepts in elementary school.

Google CS First

Google CS First is a free computer science curriculum for kids ages 9-14. While it’s geared towards slightly older kids, 8-year-olds with some coding experience may be able to follow along. The curriculum includes a variety of themes, such as storytelling, fashion, and game design, to keep kids engaged and interested.

How to Make a Sprite Jump

“How to Make a Sprite Jump” is a popular Scratch tutorial that teaches kids how to create a simple game where a character jumps over obstacles. It’s a great project for 8-year-olds who are just starting out with Scratch and want to learn the basics of game development.

Make a Catching Game in Scratch

“Make a Catching Game in Scratch” is another popular tutorial that teaches kids how to create a game in which the player catches falling objects. It’s a bit more advanced than the “How to Make a Sprite Jump” tutorial, but it’s still appropriate for 8-year-olds with some Scratch experience.

Make Your Minecraft Adventure with Tynker

Do your kids dream of creating their own exciting challenges and adventures within the blocky Minecraft world? With Tynker, you can turn those dreams into reality!

This awesome platform goes beyond just playing—it lets you become a game designer! Using Tynker’s simple, coding-block-inspired interface, you can create your very own Minecraft-style game.

Imagine crafting a thrilling adventure where you battle creepers, solve puzzles, and explore hidden caves—all designed by you! Tynker empowers your 8 year olds fans of Minecraft to add exciting elements like:

  • Block-Based Coding: Just like placing blocks in Minecraft, you’ll use Tynker’s visual coding blocks to program the actions and movements in your game.
  • Customizable Characters: Design your hero or even bring your favorite Minecraft skin to life within your game!
  • Interactive Challenges: Set up puzzles, obstacles, and battles to test your players’ skills and keep them engaged.
  • Exciting Worlds: Build unique environments using different blocks, just like in Minecraft!

Tynker doesn’t just teach you coding; it unlocks your creativity! With this fun and accessible platform, you’ll learn valuable problem-solving skills and logical thinking, all while building the Minecraft adventure of your dreams.

Addressing Common Concerns About Coding for 8 Year Olds

Some parents still have concerns despite the many benefits of learning to code at a young age. Here are a few of the most common concerns and why they shouldn’t hold your child back from learning to code:

Kids Should Be Playing Outside

Some parents worry that coding will interfere with outdoor playtime and physical activity. While it’s true that coding does involve screen time, it doesn’t have to be an either/or situation. Coding classes and camps often include breaks for outdoor play and physical activity. There are many ways to incorporate coding into outdoor play, such as creating obstacle courses for robots or using sidewalk chalk to write out code.

Other Subjects Are More Important

Some parents worry that coding will take away from other important subjects, such as math and reading. But the truth is, coding can enhance learning in these subjects. Coding requires logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are critical in math. And many coding projects involve storytelling and creative writing, which can improve reading and writing skills.

Kids Are Too Young to Choose a Career

While it’s true that 8-year-olds are too young to be thinking about their future careers, learning to code isn’t just about preparing for a job. It’s about developing essential skills that will serve them well in all areas of life. And even if they don’t pursue a career in technology, the skills they learn through coding will be valuable in any field.

Coding Classes Are Too Expensive

Coding classes and camps can be expensive, but many affordable and even free options are available. The resources mentioned earlier, such as Scratch and Google CS First, are completely free. And many coding schools offer scholarships or financial aid for families who need it.

The Role of Coding in a Child’s Education

As technology advances, coding is becoming an increasingly important part of a child’s education. Here’s why:

Integrating Coding into the Curriculum

Many schools are starting to integrate coding into their curriculum, recognizing the importance of teaching kids these skills from a young age. Some schools teach coding as a standalone subject, while others incorporate it into other subjects, such as math and science. By integrating coding into the curriculum, schools prepare students for the future and give them a valuable skill set.

Preparing Students for Future Careers

As mentioned earlier, many in-demand and high-paying jobs require coding skills. By teaching kids to code from a young age, schools prepare them for future careers in technology and beyond. Even if students don’t pursue a career in technology, the skills they learn through coding, such as problem-solving and logical thinking, will be valuable in any field.

Developing Essential Skills

Coding isn’t just about preparing for a career. It’s also about developing essential skills that will serve students well in all areas of life. Coding requires creativity, collaboration, and communication – all skills that are important in school, work, and personal relationships. By learning to code, kids develop these skills in a fun and engaging way.

Enhancing Overall Learning Experience

Coding can enhance a child’s overall learning experience by providing a new way to engage with subjects they may struggle with. For example, a child who struggles with math may find coding to be a more engaging way to learn mathematical concepts. Coding can also provide a sense of accomplishment and boost confidence, which can carry over into other areas of learning.

In conclusion, learning to code at a young age provides many benefits that will serve children well throughout their lives. From boosting problem-solving skills to preparing for future careers, coding education is becoming an increasingly important part of a child’s education. As a parent, you have the power to give your child a head start by introducing them to coding at a young age. Whether through coding classes, camps, or online resources, there are many ways to get started. So why wait? Start your child’s coding journey today.

Key Takeaway: Learning to code at 8 can boost problem-solving skills, creativity, and confidence. It’s not just for future careers but enhances learning across subjects. Start with fun tools like Scratch or coding camps designed for kids.


So, should your 8 year old learn coding? The answer is a resounding yes!

Coding isn’t just about building apps and websites. It’s about developing essential skills like problem-solving, creativity, and persistence to serve your child well in all areas of life.

And with so many fun and engaging coding classes, camps, and resources available, there’s never been a better time to get your 8 year old started on their coding journey.

From Scratch classes to game development camps, there’s something for every interest and learning style. And with free resources like Scratch and Google CS First, you don’t have to break the bank to give your child a quality coding education.

So why wait? Introduce your 8 year old to the exciting world of coding today and watch them thrive!

About Lomit Patel

Lomit Patel is the Chief Growth Officer of Tynker, with 20 years of experience helping startups grow into successful businesses. He is also the author of the book "Lean AI" which is part of Eric Ries' bestselling "The Lean Startup" series.