New Language Support for Java and p5.js!

Last Updated: June 2, 2021 8:19 am
New Language Support for Java and p5.js!

Tynker has been developing Python and JavaScript courses and projects for years. And the feedback we get from the Tynker community has been very helpful in that process. That’s how we know that you want more capabilities and more tutorials!

Are you a future artist or computer programmer? Have you tried text coding yet? It’s a great next step if you’re starting to outgrow Tynker block coding or you’re in high school. 

Tynker is excited to announce support for both Java and p5.js in our incredible text code editor. Just like every Tynker course and project, these new tutorials require absolutely no software or configuration—everything runs right in your browser! 

Explore these projects by logging into your Tynker account at, then choose +Create Project


Java is the classic programming language taught in thousands of high school classrooms, notably in AP Computer Science A. More than that, Java remains widely used in collegiate introductory CS courses and the high-tech industry, putting kids and teens who learn to code in a great position to thrive in school and get a head start on a possible career.

Java Basics. Get acquainted with Java syntax as you try simple tasks like printing “Hello World,” accepting user input in your programs, and generating the Fibonacci sequence.

Algorithms. Explore classic algorithms like Binary Search and more. 

Fun & Games. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Write random poetry, play music, and make a tile-matching game!


p5.js is a JavaScript library that gives coders drawing superpowers! Using p5.js code, students can draw on a digital canvas, create Snapchat-style photo filters, make games, and much, much more. This makes p5.js a great choice for visual learners, artists, and creatives of all types. 

Basic Drawing. Put on your cartoonist’s hat and make some original comics and shapes. Learn how to draw shapes, lines, then learn about irregular shapes and design your own Origami Animal. 

Art Style. Take inspiration from famous artists, then recreate their own work in the same style—using code!

Math Art. Make intricate patterns and colors! You’ll have a blast learning how to make animations and interactive art projects. 

Check Out Tynker’s Courses

Ready for a deeper dive into p5.js and Java? Take a look at our brand-new courses. Teachers can request a free evaluation license, too. 

  • AP Computer Science A — In this exciting yearlong Java class, students explore problem-solving, design strategies and methodologies, and data structures, as well as approaches to processing data; including some classic algorithms, analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing (for school only). Endorsed by the College Board. 
  • Intro to Programming and Art  – Using JavaScript and p5.js code, draw on a digital canvas, create Snapchat-style photo filters, make amazing games, and much much more!

About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.