Hung Codes for His Future!

Last Updated: October 23, 2019 12:00 pm
Hung Codes for His Future!

Hung Codes for His Future!

Hung absolutely loves to code and wants to become a video game designer when he grows up! He is from Wisconsin and is eleven years old and has a passion for coding and making games. Hung’s favorite class in school is computer apps because they hold a lot of contests to see who can type faster, and they explore Microsoft Office to learn how to use it!

Outside of school Hung loves to read, bike, play basketball and video games! He is very well-rounded and spoke to us about what he likes to do with Tynker!

How did you get introduced to Tynker and how long have you been coding? I got introduced to it from my school because they were saying if you were looking for something cool, you can try out this program! And I’ve been doing it since the end of the school year last year.

How did you learn how to use Tynker when you were first starting out? I was using the tutorials and the physics games. That’s where I got my first idea to make my first game: Canon Rampage!

How have your coding skills improved since you started using Tynker? I think I’ve definitely learned a lot and I’ve been trying different coding programs. I’ve been learning new things, like how to control physics, art, and everything.

How did you feel when you found out your project had been featured? I was very surprised. I was running around the house. I told all my friends!

What is your favorite project you’ve made so far? Alien Boss! I like the kind of games where you dodge bullets and fight something.

Alien Boss

Where did you get the idea for your favorite project?  I got the idea from games like Undertale.

How do you get inspiration for your projects? I just think of what kind of games I like, and I try to redesign parts of it. But, I just made a survey for my class at school to get their opinion on what they would like to see.

Why do you like to code? I like knowing that I play those games and they’re so famous, and all those people like it, but knowing that I can create that myself!

What is your favorite way to use code? I really like using Broadcast, because that triggers when something can activate!

What do you do with a project when you’re done with it?I try to make it the best that I can before I publish it. I ask a lot of people their opinions before I publish it, so I know there’s no glitches or anything!

What are you planning to make next? I’m working on a game right now, it’s like a mansion where you have to explore and find secrets.

What’s the best thing about Tynker? I like that you can import anything into it and add your own music. It’s really simple to use!

How do you think learning to code has prepared you for the future? It’s preparing me in every way for my career. I have a head start!

Do you think other kids should try coding? Yes, definitely! Because you never know when you’re good at it or what you can create! It’s a great way to program it by yourself.

What advice would you give to kids starting out with Tynker? First, try out the demos and look how the code works!

Hung’s mom, Emily, sat down with us to talk about what she thinks about Hung learning to code. “I am amazed by the things he’s created. He came up with different ideas, like a ghost that throws ninja stars at you! He’s creating a design team within the classroom to help him with his new project!”

Emily sees plenty of benefits of Hung learning to code: “Focus–he is definitely diligent about getting his work done because he wants to work on the coding!” she said. Emily knows that Hung’s passion lies in computers and game design, so she is very sure that this will only help Hung with his future.

We want to thank Hung and Emily for taking the time to speak with us about coding! We can’t wait to see the other projects that Hung creates. Happy coding!

About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.