Glimmers in Parenting: Finding Joy in Everyday Moments

Last Updated: August 14, 2024 2:57 pm
Glimmers in Parenting: Finding Joy in Everyday Moments
glimmers in parenting

Parenting is tough. No matter how much you adore your kids, we’ve all faced those moments where the weight of responsibility feels crushing. The constant juggling act, the sleepless nights, the neverending to-do list – it’s easy to fixate on the challenges, feeling like we’re battling against the current. But amidst the chaos, glimmers in parenting become even more vital.

Glimmers in parenting, those seemingly small, joyful moments, are not just fleeting glimmer moments but bits of happiness. Instead, think of them as little bursts of light illuminating this journey’s richness and providing a much-needed boost to your vagus nerve. This article explores how to recognize and harness those precious increased happiness glimmers, infusing more joy and resilience into your parenting journey.

Table of Contents:

What Defines Glimmers in Parenting?

These glimmers are simple but powerful moments that spark feelings of joy, love, connection, and deep satisfaction. They remind us why we wanted to become parents in the first place.

A simple act of kindness from your child, a moment of shared laughter, or even just a peaceful morning snuggle can all qualify as “glimmers.” Recognizing and appreciating these seemingly insignificant moments can significantly impact your overall well-being as a parent.

Recognizing the Subtle Beauty of Glimmers

While some glimmers in parenting are big and obvious, others might whisper their presence, requiring us to slow down and truly tune in. Ever caught your child gazing at you with pure, unadulterated love in their eyes?

Maybe they spontaneously expressed gratitude for something you did, or perhaps you simply observed them showing empathy towards a sibling or friend. Moreover, these heartwarming acts are glimmers that remind us of the powerful connections we’re nurturing.

Glimmers vs. Triggers

Lately, you might have heard about “glimmers” alongside their less-pleasant counterparts: “triggers.” While glimmers spark positive emotionstriggers tend to activate negative or painful memories or feelings.

Both, however, offer a window into our internal world. Glimmers are like little gifts we give ourselves – small moments of joy and connection that combat the inevitable stresses of raising tiny humans.

Why are Glimmers in Parenting Important?

Life as a parent is filled with its share of demands, to-do lists, and pressures. Glimmers act like mini-resets life hacks, allowing us to step back from the chaos, reconnect with joy momentarily, and appreciate the journey, even when things feel hard.

By consciously acknowledging glimmers in parenting, we cultivate a more positive outlook, boosting resilience during challenging times. This positive impact is not just a warm and fuzzy feeling; there’s solid neuroscience behind it.

A Psychological Boost with Real Benefits

Although there might not be direct research specifically on the impact of glimmers, this concept beautifully aligns with what we know about positive psychology, or “the science of happiness.”

For example, research on savoring, a practice heavily intertwined with glimmers, highlights its potential to enhance happiness even during stressful periods. Remember when you revisited a treasured memory in your mind and felt a surge of warmth and joy?

Savoring glimmers in parenting operate similarly—prolonging those feel-good vibes. Tuning into these moments can trigger your ventral vagus nerve response, leading to a sense of calmness and well-being.

But it doesn’t end there. Studies reveal a potent connection between gratitude and heightened well-being. Just like gratitude lists can elevate our moods, acknowledging those micro-moments of wonder our children bring fosters a deeper appreciation for them and strengthen familial bonds. Also, embracing the concept of mindfulness by tuning into the present through practices like the 5-4-3-2-1 method, which involves tuning into your five senses, is linked to reduced parenting stress.

Harnessing the Power of Glimmers in Parenting

Want to start weaving more glimmers into your parenting life but don’t know where to begin? These fleeting moments can have a lasting positive impact on your overall happiness.

Let’s unlock a few practical tips. By incorporating these strategies, you can actively invite more joy and resilience into your daily life.

1. Cultivating Your “Glimmer” Awareness

Like spotting shooting stars, noticing glimmers often involves paying closer attention. Life moves quickly, and those sweet moments can be easily missed when we’re caught in the whirlwind.

Training ourselves to be more mindful allows these treasures to capture our attention, leaving lasting impressions. Remember, these positive moments are always there; we must train our minds to see them.

2. A Mindset Shift: Enjoying the ‘Now’

Research shows that certain folks possess an innate ability to appreciate the good things they have rather than longing for something better. This isn’t about settling. This is about discovering the magic embedded within ordinary, everyday events.

Consider these situations. While it’s easy to get caught up wishing for that perfect family vacation, a simple afternoon at home, creating homemade pizzas with your kids while laughing uncontrollably as flour flies through the air, can be just as memorable and fulfilling. Perhaps you envision those serene moments cuddling a newborn baby, longing for the days when your little one would lie peacefully in your arms. But what about those occasions when your rambunctious toddler, covered in finger paint and beaming with unbridled joy, scrambles onto your lap, enveloping you in a rib-cracking hug? These are glimmers in parenting worth cherishing, too.

3. Building a “Glimmer” Practice

These kairos moments are opportunities to pause, appreciate, and recharge. They are reminders that amidst the challenges, there is still so much beauty and joy to be found.

Action Description Potential Benefit
Savor Hold onto those feel-good emotions attached to glimmers. Reflect on a tender bedtime story. Let that proud moment when your child mastered riding their bike wash over you again. Anticipate an upcoming camping trip with the family, imagining fireflies, s’mores, and laughter under the stars. Prolonging those joyful sensations can make even the most difficult day a tad brighter. These small moments can shift your energy and create a more positive overall experience.
Capture Make glimmers tangible by keeping a designated journal. Jot down those precious memories, tucking them away as treasured possessions to revisit. If journaling feels too time-consuming, embrace the convenience of jotting down digital notes on your phone or even create a special “glimmers” folder where you store cherished photos and videos. A visual reminder of these happy moments enables you to access those good vibes whenever needed. This can be especially helpful on challenging days when you need a quick boost of positivity.
Find Meaning View glimmers not as isolated events but as significant threads in your family’s tapestry. When your children collaborate beautifully on a project, consider how that reflects your efforts to cultivate cooperation and respect. When your child melts your heart with an unexpected “I love you,” allow yourself to internalize those words and appreciate their depth truly. Adding a layer of significance can magnify those positive feelings and reinforce your role as a guiding light in your children’s lives. It’s about recognizing the bigger picture and appreciating the journey, even with its imperfections.
Prioritize “Glimmer” Time” If picnics in the park always evoke laughter and togetherness or Friday night board games inevitably morph into hilarious, joy-filled occasions, prioritize them. Deliberately make space in your schedule to make them happen. And when those cherished traditions naturally unfold, savor each and every second. This isn’t just about time management; it’s about prioritizing experiences over stuff and forging memories instead of simply checking tasks off your list. It’s about being fully present in those special moments.

Recognizing our triggers can be uncomfortable, often stirring up challenging emotions or even leading to emotional reactivity. The intention is not to dwell on the negative but instead to view those triggers as valuable messengers. This is where those positive feelings that glimmers elicit become even more important.

If your child melting down over a misplaced toy tends to push your buttons, view that as an opportunity to approach the situation with newfound empathy. Take a deep breath, connect with that reservoir of love and patience that glimmers tend to refill, and then gently guide them through the experience. By acknowledging and addressing our triggers, we can respond to challenging situations with more patience and understanding.


While “glimmers in parenting” might be a concept steadily gaining momentum, it’s not about attaining some idyllic version of parenthood—it’s about tuning in to what truly matters. Amid the inherent messiness, challenges, and seemingly insignificant moments, magic unfolds. It’s about choosing to focus on those golden nuggets.

It’s important to embrace the messiness of life and, at the same time, accept the tough stuff. However, it’s also crucial to hold those glimmering, magical moments close. These fleeting glimmers in our stress remind us why this parenting climb is worth it. By sharing this beautiful, messy journey—filled with big and small glimmers—with your children, you provide them with invaluable tools. By doing so, you are teaching them how to find beauty even amidst chaos.

Amidst the chaos, remember to embrace those glimmers in parenting. Despite the challenges, it’s important to treasure those moments that remind you of the incredible journey you are on. By actively seeking out and savoring these glimmers, such as playing Tynker coding games together, we enhance our own well-being and create a more positive and resilient family environment.

FAQs About Glimmers in Parenting

What are some common examples of glimmers in parenting?

There are many common examples, for instance, common examples include spontaneous hugs. Furthermore, genuine “I love you’s” often follow, along with witnessing acts of kindness or empathy. Additionally, receiving heartfelt gifts and sharing inside jokes or moments of laughter strengthen these connections. Moreover, experiencing a peaceful bedtime routine and marveling at your child’s growth and accomplishments further highlight these special moments. It’s about cherishing those “I love you” whispered before sleep and how your child’s face lights up when you pick them up from school. These moments are precious and beautiful, creating lasting memories and strengthening the bonds between loved ones.

Why do glimmers matter?

Glimmers are positive emotional anchors. They counterbalance daily stress and foster resilience in challenging moments. They help to nurture joy and contentment and highlight the strength and beauty of your bond. Additionally, they enhance those joyful sensations, providing emotional resilience to weather any storm that parenting throws our way.

How can I incorporate glimmers in parenting into my life more intentionally?

Practice mindful observation by staying present in those everyday interactions. Instead of reaching for your phone while your child recounts their day, put it away and genuinely listen to what they’re excited to share. You can also embrace journaling to cultivate that “attitude of gratitude.”


About Lomit Patel

Lomit Patel is the Chief Growth Officer of Tynker, with 20 years of experience helping startups grow into successful businesses. He is also the author of the book "Lean AI" which is part of Eric Ries' bestselling "The Lean Startup" series.