Featured Maker: John Loves to Code! 

Last Updated: October 29, 2021 12:03 pm
Featured Maker: John Loves to Code! 

Meet our newest Featured Maker, 7th grader John from Texas! He codes almost every day and would like to work at Nintendo when he grows up. John spoke with us about his experience coding with Tynker:

How did you get introduced to Tynker?

My tech apps teacher started using Tynker. My favorite subject in school is tech apps because it’s really fun going in there every day.

How did you learn how to use Tynker?

I started with the JavaScript course. And I just learned from there, like images, how to use different fonts on different kinds of skills, and Tynker.

Have your coding skills improved since you started using Tynker?

I learned about loops and variables.

How did you feel when you found out your project had been featured?

I was speechless. I didn’t even know what to say. I was just standing there!

What’s your favorite project you’ve made so far?

My favorite project is the one I’m working on. It’s a platformer game warrior to jump from level to level and work your way around it, and just keep advancing.

Where did you get the idea for your project?

I sat down, and then it just popped into my head. I’ve been working on it for six months now. It’s a JavaScript project.

How do you get inspiration for your projects?

I usually get inspiration from different games, like my newest game, the one that I’ve been working on, that’s been an inspiration to Mario.

Why do you like to code?

I really like to code because once you face a challenge, it’s a great feeling whenever you accomplish it.

What’s your favorite way to use code?

My favorite type of code is function because functions can do almost anything once you just call them.

What do you do with a project when you’re done with it?

I put it on Google website, and then I publish it to Tynker.

What are you planning to make next?

Johnny Wild’s adventure game.

What’s the best thing about Tynker?

The best thing about Tynker is how it is like, you don’t have to save every project, every time you want to play it. And you don’t have to tell the computer exactly where to grab a file from, like. You just drag and drop it and then you can use the name.

Has learning to code prepared you for the future?

Because now I know stuff at college. And I know a lot about JavaScript and Python and text coding.

Do you think other kids should try coding?

Oh yes, definitely. It’s really awesome. There’s infinite parts of infinite possibilities, and it helps a kid out a ton.

What advice would you give to kids starting with Tynker?

If it’s hard, don’t stop, just keep going.

How did you come up with your Code Jam idea?

Well, I used to play soccer so that gave me the idea to make Johnny World score goals.

Have you done a Tynker Code Jam before?

Yeah, I did. February on Valentine’s Day

How long did it take you to complete the project?

It took me three days.

Did you have any interesting challenges? 

The frame because you had to make every character move one frame at a time, and it’s hard to read, drag, and drop them to the frame.

Bonus: What’s a fun fact about you? I’m really good at rollerblading, and it’s really fun.

John’s father, Ismael, spoke with us about his son learning to code with Tynker:

He does a great job with it. But what’s more exciting is how in love he is with the actual fact that he can create something from nothing, right. The thing about your platform is that it has been awesome for him. 

You know how we start at sixteen, your job is in a restaurant. For me, it would be awesome for him to start his job, you know, doing this kind of programming because I think that can go very far for him.

Has coding helped John in other areas?

Well, critical thinking, right so if he needs a piece of equipment he gets it right. And if he needs the space he gets it, and if he asks me for time to go code. Let him, right, so you know, even those computers frame time, I know that he’s doing something for his own development. It also has translated into the math side of it. 

Do you feel that he’s better prepared for the future?

100% I think that he has tremendously blossomed. Through Tynker, you know, we’ve been trying to find the platform that would enable him to grow his skills and talents, and where he could be himself and showcase what he can do. And this platform has done that. And absolutely, way better prepared for the future.

Thank you!

We want to thank John and his father for taking the time to speak with us about coding with Tynker. We can’t wait to see what John creates next – HAPPY CODING!


About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.