Meet our newest Featured Maker, 5th grader Jack from New York. Jack likes to play video games, create maps, and draw. And, in addition to being President when he grows up, he’d also like to train pets. Jack spoke with us about his experience coding with Tynker:
How did you get introduced to Tynker?
I’ve been coding for like two years.
How did you learn to use Tynker?
I taught myself!
Have your coding skills improved since you started using Tynker?
I basically know how to code now!
How did you feel when you found out your project had been featured?
Still very excited! It took me a long time to calm down!
What’s your favorite project you’ve made so far?
A series of games that I created!
Where do you get the idea for your projects?
Just from my imagination, but sometimes it’s based on films!
Why do you like to code?
I just like to create games!
What’s your favorite way to use code?
I really like using variables!
What do you do with a project when you’re done with it?
Sometimes I just publish, sometimes I don’t.
What’s the best thing about Tynker?
There are many great aspects about Tynker!
Do you think learning to code with Tynker has prepared you for the future?
Yes! It pretty much taught me how to code!
Do you think other kids should try coding?
Yes because coding is super fun!
What advice would you give to kids starting out with Tynker?
Go to other people’s code and take a look at how to do things!
Bonus: What’s a fun fact about you?
I have a collection of over 500 rubber ducks!
What’s your favorite subject in school?
STEAM center!
Parent Questions:
Jack’s mother, Jessica, spoke with us about her son learning to code with Tynker:
Jack is very artistic, and he’ll get these ideas in his head so like the coding has been really beneficial because he can kind of create some of the things that he wants to create that he maybe couldn’t make in real life. He wants to create his own stuff. So having the ability to make it on Tynker has been really helpful.
How do you support his coding endeavors?
I think that it was great to have coding during COVID because Jack was remote for a lot of the year. And they’re on devices a lot as they get older. And I feel that’s a more purposeful way to use it as a device. We don’t worry so much about screen time. It’s not like it’s not mindless, he’s creating something on it.
Do you think coding has benefits for Jack?
I feel like Tynker has given him an outlet to use skills in a different way. That’s been really big because when you have a kid who has very unique interests he can find projects that other kids have done, maybe also have that interest and connect for some of his interests. That’s been really helpful.
Do you feel that Jack is better prepared for the future?
Yes, I do. I really think that knowing how to code you can kind of bring it into whatever he chooses to do. So you know, even if he wants to train pets, he wants to train pets to talk. Coding could be part of this. I feel like any profession that he goes into or whatever path he takes, this will likely be a part of it. I think that knowing how to code and the technology is just going to make him better prepared.
Thank you!
We want to thank Jack and his mother for taking the time to speak with us about coding with Tynker. We can’t wait to see what he creates next – HAPPY CODING!