Community Highlights: July 13-19
We’re so proud of our Tynker community this week! We’ve seen some amazing projects from our makers as part of the Wild Minecraft Code-a-Thon, along with other coding creations. Read on for this week’s highlighted projects and tweets!
Projects of the Week
Cruis’n the Web by captaintaylor
The pirate’s life for me! Time it correctly and pull the red lever to fire the canon and take out the pirate ship.
Bomb your way through the map and avoid the ghosts to capture the points and find the secret door!
Play either by yourself or against a computer and try to pave a way to get the points you need.
Snow Adventure by lucasgothmeal
Find and collect the keys to advance to the next map. Click on the characters for any clues and figure out the puzzles!
Tweets of the Week
These students are learning how to use Tynker! Via Twitter @Teacher_Reimer
Check out how the Tynker Junior puzzles work! Via Twitter @nekolety
Test your binary skills with a necklace made from cereal! Via Twitter @educatingdakids
Tynker + Legos = Fun! Via Twitter @ryannoonan5
Keep contributing to the Tynker community! Parents and teachers can connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the Tynker Community Forum. Kids can also start learning to code and creating for free with the Tynker app for iPads!