Table of Contents
Coding in the News
The landscape of technology, coding, and learning is constantly evolving. We’ll be highlighting some exciting developments in coding, as well as interesting research on the future of education.
What does the 21st century job market look like?
Coding isn’t just for engineers
How do you get your kids interested in STEM?
New research from the University of Chicago addresses how parents can increase their children’s interest in STEM careers – and it’s simpler than you might think. This research suggests that one powerful strategy is just talking to your kids about how math and science are relevant to them and their interests – like how their favorite video game is created or how their computer works. The most exciting part of this research? Talking to kids about the relevancy of STEM not only increases their interest in STEM careers, but also actually increases their ACT test scores in these subjects! Read more.
Coding for social good
We are constantly amazed by the ways that coding is changing our world – and this is what motivates us to get all kids coding. Learning to code doesn’t just open up future job opportunities, but also allows kids to access a creative medium through which they can truly have an impact.