Master Back to School Organization: 7 Essential Strategies

Last Updated: July 17, 2024 10:28 pm
Master Back to School Organization: 7 Essential Strategies

As summer winds down, parents and students start gearing up for the new school year. It’s a time of excitement, but it can also bring a whirlwind of chaos if you’re not prepared. That’s where back to school organization comes in. By implementing smart strategies and creating efficient systems, you can set your family up for a smooth transition and a successful academic year. You can even involve the kids in some back to school activities to get them excited.

I’ve been through the back to school organization rush more times than I can count, both as a student and a parent. I’ve learned that being proactive about the organization isn’t just helpful—it’s essential.

Let’s explore some practical tips and tricks to make your back to school organization a breeze. We’ll answer how to get organized for back-to-school and more.

Table of Contents:

Create a Command Center

One of the most effective ways to kickstart your back to school organization is by setting up a family command center. This centralized hub will be your go-to spot for all things school-related. This is especially helpful for families with elementary school children, who need help keeping track of their belongings.

Choose a high-traffic area in your home, like the kitchen or entryway. Equipping this space with a wall calendar, sticky note and colored pencils can help keep track of everyone’s activities, especially if your family is always on the go. Here’s what you’ll want to include:

  • A large calendar for tracking everyone’s schedules.
  • A bulletin board for important notices and reminders.
  • Hooks or cubbies for backpacks and jackets.
  • A charging station for electronic devices.

Having everything in one place will reduce the morning scramble and keep everyone on the same page.  According to a survey by Zulily, 84% of parents feel stressed about back-to-school preparations.  A well-organized command center with organization ideas can significantly alleviate this stress.

Streamline the Closet

Nothing derails a smooth morning routine faster than a disorganized closet. To get ahead of the game, tackle this during back-to-school shopping. Before school starts, take some time to declutter and organize your child’s wardrobe. It’s one of the most helpful school organization tips.

Implement a Color-Coding System

Assign each day of the week a color and organize clothes accordingly. This makes it easy for kids to pick out their own outfits and can speed up the morning routine. You can also utilize this system for your toddler backpacks to make sure they grab the right one.

Use Hanging Organizers

Invest in hanging organizers with multiple compartments. These are perfect for storing accessories, socks, and undergarments, keeping everything easily accessible. Here are some situations where they’re super helpful:

  • If you have limited closet space, hanging organizers can maximize vertical space and prevent items from getting lost at the back.
  • They are especially useful for storing out-of-season clothing. Simply transfer items from shelves or drawers to the hanging organizer and free up space in your main closet.

A study by the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals found that the average American spends 55 minutes a day looking for things they own but can’t find. By organizing your child’s closet effectively, you can reclaim precious time in your mornings. This is also true for college students, so don’t think these tips don’t apply to them, too.

Set Up a Homework Station

Creating a dedicated space for homework is crucial for back to school organization. This area should be quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions.

Here’s a simple guide to setting up an effective homework station:

Item Purpose
Desk or table Provides a flat surface for writing and reading
Comfortable chair Ensures proper posture during long study sessions
Good lighting Reduces eye strain and improves focus
Storage containers Keeps supplies organized and easily accessible
Calendar or planner Helps track assignments and due dates

Remember, the key is to make this space inviting and functional. Encourage your child to personalize it with artwork or motivational quotes to make it a place they want to spend time.

Master the Art of Lunch Packing

Packing lunches can be a daily struggle, but with some back to school organization, it can become a smooth part of your routine. By prepping healthy snacks in advance, you can avoid relying on school lunches if you prefer to send your child with a lunch from home.

Prep in Advance

Dedicate some time on the weekend to prep lunch items for the week. Cut up fruits and vegetables, portion out snacks, and even make sandwiches ahead of time (just leave off spreads that might make the bread soggy).

Create a Lunch Packing Station

Designate a shelf in your pantry and fridge for lunch items. Stock it with grab-and-go options like granola bars, fruit cups, and juice boxes. This makes it easy for older kids to pack their own lunches. If you are a working mother short on time, you can even turn this into an assembly line in the mornings.

According to a report by Statista, over 29 million children participate in the National School Lunch Program daily. Whether your child buys lunch or brings it from home, having an organized system in place can save time and reduce stress.

Implement a Paper Management System

The influx of school papers can quickly become overwhelming. Establishing a system for managing paperwork is a crucial part of back to school organization.

Use a Filing System

Create a file for each child with sections for different subjects or types of papers (homework, permission slips, artwork, etc.). Review and sort papers daily to prevent buildup.

Digitize When Possible

Consider scanning important documents and artwork to create digital copies. This reduces physical clutter while preserving memories. Apps like Evernote or Google Drive can be great for this purpose.

The Environmental Protection Agency reports that paper and paperboard make up the largest component of municipal solid waste. By digitizing when possible, you’re not only organizing your home but also contributing to environmental conservation.

Create Morning and Evening Routines

Establishing solid routines is the backbone of effective back to school organization. Consistent morning and evening routines can dramatically reduce stress and improve efficiency.

Evening Routine

Your evening routine should set you up for a smooth morning. Include tasks like:

  • Packing backpacks.
  • Laying out clothes for the next day.
  • Preparing lunches.
  • Reviewing the next day’s schedule.

Morning Routine

A well-planned morning routine helps everyone start the day on the right foot. Consider including:

  • A set wake-up time. Set an alarm clock so you’re not rushing in the mornings.
  • A healthy breakfast. Try these on-the-go breakfast ideas if you’re always running late.
  • Personal grooming tasks.
  • A final backpack check.

Research from the American Psychological Association shows that children who follow consistent routines have better social-emotional health. By implementing these routines, you’re not just improving your back to school organization, but also contributing to your child’s overall well-being. For middle schoolers who may have after-school activities, having a good routine is crucial.

Utilize Technology for Organization

In today’s digital age, technology can be a powerful ally in your back to school organization efforts. There are numerous apps and tools designed to help families stay organized and on track.

Family Calendar Apps

Apps like Google Calendar or Cozi allow you to create shared family calendars. You can color-code events for different family members, set reminders, and access the calendar from any device. You’ll find this especially helpful if you’re trying to find the best way to organize a shared family calendar.

Task Management Apps

Tools like Trello or Asana can help older students manage their assignments and projects. These apps allow you to create to-do lists, set due dates, and track progress.

According to a study by Pew Research Center, 95% of teens have access to a smartphone. Leveraging this technology for organization can help students develop crucial time management skills. College backpacks often have a special pocket to keep laptops and phones protected.

FAQs about back to school organization

How to be organized for back to school?

To be organized for back to school, start by creating a command center, setting up a homework station, implementing a paper management system, and establishing consistent routines. Also, utilize technology like family calendar apps to keep everyone on the same page.

How to get organized before school starts?

To get organized before school starts, declutter and organize your child’s closet, set up a homework area, create a lunch packing station, and establish a system for managing school papers. It’s also helpful to gradually adjust sleep schedules a few weeks before school begins. To make it fun, let the kids pick out some fun school supplies, such as colored pencils and new pencil cases.

How to get your child organized for school?

To get your child organized for school, involve them in the process. Let them help set up their homework station, choose organizational tools, and create their routines. Teaching them to use a planner or calendar app can also help them stay on top of assignments and activities. High school is a great time to start teaching them these skills.

How to organize school supplies at home?

To organize school supplies at home, designate a specific area for storage. Use clear containers to sort supplies by type (writing tools, art supplies, paper products, etc.). Label everything clearly and restock regularly. Consider creating a mobile homework caddy with frequently used items for flexibility. You can even label things down to the color, such as “Blue Colored Pencils” and “Red Colored Pencils.


Effective back to school organization is about more than just tidying up – it’s about creating systems that work for your family and setting everyone up for success. By implementing these strategies, you can transform the often chaotic back-to-school season into a smooth, stress-free transition. Remember, the goal of back to school organization isn’t perfection but creating a framework that supports your family’s unique needs and routines. With these tools, you can confidently and efficiently tackle the new school year.

About Lomit Patel

Lomit Patel is the Chief Growth Officer of Tynker, with 20 years of experience helping startups grow into successful businesses. He is also the author of the book "Lean AI" which is part of Eric Ries' bestselling "The Lean Startup" series.