December 2, 2013
Tynker in the News: Ed Tech 4 Library: Tynker + 21st Century Learners = Unlimited Extensions for Learning
Ed Tech 4 Library 12/02/13 Today’s hangout with +Kevin Elgan, Tynker’s Director of School Programs, set the stage for...
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November 22, 2013
Advanced Grading Features Now Available with Tynker Premium
Srinivas Mandyam, CTO at Tynker In this post I want to share some new and exciting Tynker features specifically...
November 22, 2013
Tynker in the News: iLearn Technology: Tynker: Computer programming for kids
iLearn Technology 11/22/13 What it is: Tynker is about the coolest way for kids to learn how to computer program- absolutely...
November 21, 2013
Meet Vidya Mandyam: Tynker’s Director of Engineering Talks to Girls Innovate! on Women in Technology
Girls Innovate! Blog 11/20/2013 By Ann Saponara, Girls Innovate! Volunteer & Project Leader Girls Innovate! is very fortunate to...
November 14, 2013
Article: Khan Academy Computer Science: ACM Education Council 2013 Meeting
ACM Education Council 2013 Meeting 11/14/13 I was honored to be invited to the ACM Education Council meeting on...
November 11, 2013
Explore the Coolest Tynker Apps Created by Children
Explore the Coolest Tynker Apps Created by Children Did you know that over 150,000 projects have been created by children...
October 27, 2013
Article: I Programmer: Five Reasons To Teach Kids To Code
I Programmer 10/27/13 As programmers we appreciate why knowing how to code is really important. But if you find it difficult...
October 27, 2013
Article: The Independent: Why children should learn how to program
Why children should learn how to program 10/27/13 There has, in the last couple of years, been a rising...