May 6, 2015
The Dallas Morning News: Code Tynker
Students Learn Computer Programming Skills Stephen Hawking said, “Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or...
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May 4, 2015
Build a Memory Game
Kids love playing games — all kinds of games! Here’s another sneak peek you can share with your kids,...
May 2, 2015
Build your own top-down RPG
Build Your Own Top-Down RPG Kids can build their own role-playing games (RPGs) from a top-down perspective using the...
May 1, 2015
Build a Multi-Level Platformer Game
In Tynker’s new Coding Adventures, available only on Kickstarter, kids build different types of games as they explore each game...
April 1, 2015
90 Percent Of Parents Agree That STEM Skills Will Be Crucial In Order For Their Child To Succeed
BY SYLVAN LEARNING | MAR 30, 2015 BALTIMORE (March 30, 2015) – Sylvan Learning, Inc., the leading North American...
February 24, 2015
Educators, Use the STEM Library to Bring Coding to your Classroom
Did you know that your students can use coding to show the lifecycle of a butterfly? Create a history...