Alfred Gets Inspiration from Apps!
This week’s Featured Maker is Alfred from Norway! He is thirteen years old and loves to code. He also enjoys robotics and Legos. While in school, Alfred loves math because it’s easy and fun for him to find the answer!
When Alfred grows up, he wants to pursue electronics. He genuinely enjoys using his coding skills to help others make great coding projects! We had the opportunity to speak with Alfred and his mom, Hildegunn, to learn more about his coding skills. Read on to learn more!
How did you get introduced to Tynker? My teacher told us about Tynker. When we’re done with all our work, we can code on it.
How did you learn how to use Tynker when you were first starting out? I started with the courses and then it was easy for me! Afterwards, I found out about the project side. From there, I made a lot of games.
How have your coding skills improved since you started using Tynker? I think I have been better with code since I started with Tynker; I’ve improved on everything.
How did you feel when you found out your project had been featured? I was very happy! I told all my friends at school.
What is your favorite project you’ve made so far? I like my ‘Snapchat on Tynker’ project! You press a button and then it freezes the screen, and then press another button and it takes a screenshot. I like that part the best.
Snapchat on Tynker!!!!
Where did you get the idea for your favorite project? I got the idea from Snapchat. And Snapchat filters too. I think it took me about one month to make.
How do you get inspiration for your projects? I see things in other places and then try to get them into Tynker, like Snapchat. Same with ‘Car Simulator’, another project I’ve made.
Car Simulator!!
Why do you like to code? You can do whatever you want in Tynker! You can make anything. I like to code Lego Mindstorms.
Do you have a favorite code block? The ‘forever’ block.
What do you do with a project when you’re done with it? I publish it and I’ll show it to others in my class. My friends and I sit together in a group and code on iPads. And when we’re ready, we share our games with each other and play them!
What are you planning to make next? A few days ago, I made a leveler. When you tilt the iPad, it shows you the degree of the angle that you’re tilting it!
What’s the best thing about Tynker? It’s easy to use. I like it a lot; you can make many projects and you can publish them.
How do you think learning to code has prepared you for the future? I can use it for whatever job that I get!
Do you think other kids should try coding? Yes, because you can learn a lot, and the code you’re playing with is what you can use for the future.
What advice would you give to kids starting out with Tynker? Start with the courses because they really explain how to code. Then make your own projects and remix others!
Hildegunn, Alfred’s mother, was thrilled to see her son be a Featured Maker! When we asked her what she thought about Alfred learning to code, she told us, “I see that everyday he learns about coding and math. He has a little brother and teaches him how to code. He’s just learned it all by himself!”
The fact the Alfred learned on his own really impresses Hildegunn. “He learns very quickly,” she told us. “And it helps him with challenges. He is better in coding already and he can apply this to life. It helps too that he teaches his friends!”
We want to thank Alfred and Hildegunn for taking the time to speak with us about Alfred’s coding experiences. We hope to see more great coding projects from Alfred in the future!