Education Tips for Kids: Help Your Child Succeed in School

Last Updated: April 16, 2024 8:48 am
Education Tips for Kids: Help Your Child Succeed in School

You want the best for your kid, right?

You know that doing well in school is the foundation for their future success. But sometimes, it feels like you’re stumbling in the dark, trying to figure out how to support their academic journey.

Hold onto your hats because I will drop some excellent news and education tips for kids! Helping your child succeed in school doesn’t have to be a mystery. Believe it or not, arming your kids with just a couple of smart study habits early on can spark an enduring passion for discovery and achievement.

5 Education Tips for Kids: Help Your Kids Succeed in School

As a parent, you play a key role in your child’s learning and development. You want to see them succeed in school and develop the skills they need to thrive. But sometimes, it can be tough to know where to start, especially if your child is struggling.

Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Here are 5 simple but effective tips to help your child succeed in school and build strong learning habits:

Establish a Regular Study Schedule

Establishing a regular study schedule is one of the best ways to help your child succeed. This means setting aside dedicated time each day for homework and studying. A consistent routine helps develop good study habits and keeps your child on track.

Make sure to look over your child’s homework each night. Ask them to explain their learning and ensure all assignments are completed. Create a quiet study space free from distractions. Even 30-60 minutes of focused study time can make a big difference.

Create a Dedicated Study Space

Speaking of study spaces, having a designated area for schoolwork is critical for the entire school year and a great education tips for kids especially helps them pay attention. It could be a desk in their bedroom, a spot at the kitchen table, or even a cozy corner of the living room. The important thing is that it’s a place associated with learning.

Ensure the study space has good lighting, a comfortable chair, and all the supplies your child needs (pencils, paper, books, etc.). Keep the area clean and clutter-free to minimize distractions. A little organization goes a long way in helping kids focus.

Encourage Reading and Writing

Strong reading and writing skills are essential for success in every subject and a great education tips for kids. Encourage your child to read every day, even for just 20 minutes. Reading helps develop background knowledge, vocabulary, and comprehension skills that translate to better learning.

When it comes to writing, practice makes perfect, and it is a great educational tip for kids. Please have your child keep a journal, write stories, or even jot down a few sentences about their day. The more they write, the easier it becomes. As Jim Trelease notes in The Read-Aloud Handbook, reading aloud to your child helps develop imagination and a sense of language.

Limit Screen Time

I get it; screens are everywhere these days. However, too much screen time can negatively impact learning and study skills. Try to limit non-educational screen time, especially on school nights which is a great education tips for kids. Instead, encourage activities like reading, puzzles, board games, or outdoor play.

When screen time is allowed, ensure it’s high-quality and age-appropriate. Educational games, documentaries, and interactive learning apps can support your child’s learning. Just be sure to set clear limits and stick to them.

Communicate with Teachers

Finally, consider the power of communication. Building a positive relationship with your child’s teachers is so important. Attend parent-teacher conferences, read newsletters and reports sent home, and don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.

Remember, you and the teachers work together to support your child’s learning. Stay informed about what’s happening in the classroom and how your child is progressing. Regular communication helps catch any issues early and ensures your child gets the support they need to thrive.

Learn to Code with Tynker

Want to give your child a leg up in today’s digital world? Consider introducing them to coding. Learning to code helps develop problem-solving, critical thinking, math concepts, and creativity. Plus, it’s a precious skill for future careers and good education tips for kids.

One great option for kids is Tynker, an online coding platform explicitly designed for children. Tynker offers fun, interactive courses in programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and more. Through engaging games and projects, kids can learn at their own pace.

The best part? Prior coding experience is optional. Tynker’s step-by-step tutorials guide kids through the basics of coding in an easy-to-understand way. They can create games, apps, and animations to share with friends and family as they progress.

Tynker also offers many resources for parents and teachers, including lesson plans, webinars, and guides. So, even if you’re not a tech expert, you can still support your child’s coding journey. You might even learn a thing or two yourself.

Develop Strong Reading Habits

We all know reading is important, but how can you actually help your child develop a love of reading at home at at your child’s school? It starts with building strong reading habits at home. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Set Aside Daily Reading Time

Set aside dedicated time for reading. This could be before bed, after school, or whenever works best for your family’s schedule. The key is to be consistent and make reading a priority.

During reading time, let your child choose what they want to read. Whether it’s books, magazines, or comics, the important thing is that they’re reading something they enjoy. You can also take turns reading aloud to each other or discuss what you’ve read together.

Choose Age-Appropriate Books

Here is another great education tips for kids! Choosing the right books is vital to keeping your child engaged and interested in reading. Look for books that match your child’s age, reading level, and interests. Feel free to branch out and try new genres or authors, too.

If you need help figuring out where to start, ask your child’s teacher or a librarian for recommendations. They can suggest books that align with your child’s learning and help expand their background knowledge. Reading various texts, from fiction to non-fiction, helps build well-rounded literacy skills.

Discuss What They Read

Reading is about more than just decoding words on a page. It’s also about comprehension and critical thinking. Encourage your child to discuss what they read, ask questions, and make connections to their own life.

You can ask simple questions like “What was your favorite part?” or “What did you learn from this book?” As they age, they dive deeper with questions encouraging analysis and interpretation. Discussing reading helps build critical skills that translate to success in school and beyond.

Remember, developing strong reading habits takes time and patience. But with a little effort and much encouragement, you can help your child become a confident, lifelong reader. And that skill will serve them well no matter their life path.

Foster a Love for Learning

Want to know the secret to raising kids who excel in school and life? It’s simple: help them fall in love with learning.

But how do you do that, exactly? I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve…

Encourage Curiosity

Curiosity is the spark that ignites a lifelong love of learning. So, fan those flames. Please encourage your child to ask questions, explore their interests, and dive deep into topics that fascinate them.

Remember, there are no silly questions. Embrace your child’s natural curiosity and watch their love for learning grow.

Praise Effort and Progress

Want to boost your child’s confidence and motivation? Praise their effort and progress, not just their grades or natural abilities.

When you notice your child working hard or making improvements, let them know you see and appreciate it. Statements like “I’m so proud of how much effort you put into that project.” or “Wow, look how far you’ve come in math this year.” can make a difference.

“Praise the effort that led to the outcome or learning progress; tie the praise to it. ‘You really studied for your test and your improvement shows it. You read the material over several times, outlined it, and tested yourself. It really worked.’” – Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Make Learning Fun

Learning doesn’t have to be a chore – it can be an adventure. Look for ways to make learning engaging and enjoyable for your child.

Some ideas:

  • Turn math practice into a game
  • Act out scenes from history or literature
  • Go on field trips to museums, zoos, or nature centers
  • Do hands-on science experiments at home
  • Use art, music, or movement to explore new concepts

The more fun your child has while learning, the more likely they will develop a positive attitude toward education and a lifelong love of gaining new knowledge and skills.

Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences

I know, I know – parent-teacher conferences can feel like just another thing on your never-ending to-do list. But trust me, they’re worth making time for. Parent engagement is essential for child success.

These one-on-one meetings are a golden opportunity to check in on your child’s progress, address concerns, and strengthen the home-school connection. Here’s how to make the most of them:

Prepare Questions

Before the conference, please jot down any questions or topics you’d like to discuss. Some ideas:

  • How is my child doing academically and socially?
  • What are their strengths and areas for growth?
  • How can I support their learning at home?
  • Are there any behavior concerns I should be aware of?

Having a list of questions will help you feel prepared and ensure you remember everything important.

Discuss Your Child’s Progress

Listen carefully to the teacher’s feedback on your child’s progress during the conference. Ask for specific examples of their strengths and challenges.

If the teacher mentions any areas of concern, try not to get defensive. Remember, you’re both on the same team. Work together to develop a plan to support your child’s growth.

Set Goals Together

Before you wrap up, work with the teacher to set goals for your child’s learning. What skills do they need to work on? What habits do they need to develop? How will you support them at home?

Clear, specific goals will give you and your child something to work toward together. Please check in on their progress regularly and celebrate their successes.

Parent-teacher conferences are about building a positive relationship with your child’s teacher and school. When you work together as a team, your child will reap academic and beyond benefits.

Your involvement and support are critical to your child’s academic success. Make sure to pencil in some regular study time, cheer on reading, and scribble stories or facts. Look into graphic organizers, which can help. Take advantage of those parent-teacher meet-ups, too! Above all else? Cultivate a household where curiosity about the world isn’t just encouraged; it’s celebrated.

Education tips for kids aren’t about turning your child into a robot or forcing them to fit a mold. It’s about nurturing their natural curiosity, celebrating their progress, and being their biggest cheerleader every step of the way.

So go ahead and put these tips into action. Your child’s self-assurance will skyrocket when they embrace unfamiliar tasks and explore the excitement hidden in every lesson learned. Together, you’ve got this.

About Lomit Patel

Lomit Patel is the Chief Growth Officer of Tynker, with over 20 years of experience driving startup success. He is also the bestselling author of "Lean AI."