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Inspiring Projects from Our Young Coders!
Have you taken a look at the Tynker community? Kids publish thousands of projects every week to our fully moderated platform. Many kids who use Tynker tell us that their favorite thing is looking through the Community and getting inspired by what other kids are creating. Here’s what they have to say:
“I think it’s really nice that kids are able to show what they create – an important part of creativity is showing what you’re doing and feeling that positive response.” – Gabriella, 13-year-old from Pennsylvania
“I like to play [Tynker Community projects] and look at their coding to help me with some of my problems that I’m having with my bugs in my games. So I look at theirs to see if there’s anything I can do to help my code get better.” – Paige, 11-year-old from Bow, Washington
You don’t have to take their word for it! Check out a few of the amazing projects that have been published by kids this year.
Escape the room
by Layla, 10-year-old from San Diego, California
How to ring a bell!
by Drew, 10-year-old from Huntersville, North Carolina
by Julian, 4th grader from San Francisco, California
Kawaii Maker!
by Danielle, 11-year-old from Talladega, Alabama
My Pet Tuna
by Jasmine, 12-year-old from Garden Grove, California
If your child isn’t part of the Tynker Community yet, now is a great time to get started! Our fun, game-based courses introduce your child to the joy of coding as they make animations, build storytelling projects, program drones and robots, and even mod Minecraft!