Grades 3-12
micro:bit Inventor's Kit: Classroom Pack
This year, inspire your entire classroom to make something fun! From emoji thermometers and Morse Code systems to wearables like sports pedometers, there’s something for everyone. The micro:bit Inventor’s kit has everything you need for projects like these and many more.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the micro:bit Inventor’s Kit be available?
We expect the kit to start shipping in August 2019. Sign up above to be the first to know!
How much does it cost?
We are finalizing the pricing and will announce this in August 2019. We expect the price to be approximately USD$699 per kit (excluding taxes, shipping, and discounts).
What is in the kit?
- 15x micro:bit single board computers
- 15x Battery Packs
- 15x 3' USB Cables
- 15x Motors
- 15x Speakers
- 15x LED Sets
- 30x Alligator Clips
- 30 Tynker seats for micro:bit course (Tynker Blocks or MicroPython, one school year subscription)
- Batteries Included
On which platforms will it work?
Tynker micro:bit block courses supported on Web, Chromebooks, and iPads.
Tynker MicroPython courses supported on Web and Chromebooks.
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